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Simple samples of CityGML 3.0 in the name of simplicity.

  • Stage 1 (Progress: %95) : SamplyCity aims to reflect regularly used geometry representations in CityGML 3.0 files.
  • Stage 2 (Progress: % 60): SamplyCity aims to consist at least one sample per module.
  • Stage 3 (Progress: 30%): SamplyCity aims to reflect all possible data structure scenarios within itself.


Please feel free to send feedback if you notice an error or bug in the files.

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SamplyCity Manifest

  • No decimal coordinates.
  • Less vertices as much as possible.
  • Hierarchical (GML)ID assignment for all the features.
  • Document the results of the experiments with different software/tools for every file individually.

A visualization of the most used geometry representations in CityGML 2.0/3.0

This visual is designed to represent the hierarchical data structure of GML geometries reversly (from sub to superb).

most used geometries

Control and Compatibility Table of CityGML Files

File Name Validation by citygml-tools Viewable in FME Data Inspector Viewable in KIT Model Viewer Uploadable to Cesium Ion
bldg001 1 1 1 1
bldg001_only_lod0 1 1 1 1
bldg001_only_lod1 1 1 1 1
bldg001_only_lod2 1 1 1 1
bldg001_only_lod3 1 1 1 1
bldg002 1 1 1 0
bldg002_only_lod0 1 1 1 0
bldg002_only_lod1 1 0 1 0
bldg002_only_lod2 1 1 1 0
bldg002_only_lod3 1 1 1 0
bldg003 1 1 1 1
bldg008 1 1 1 1
bldg009 1 1 1 1
bldg010 1 1 1 0
tran001 1 1 1 1
tran002 1 1 1 1
tran006 1 1 1 1
tran009 1 1 1 1
tran010 1 1 1 1
tran011 1 0 1 1
tran012 1 1 1 0
tran013 1 1 1 0
veg002 1 0 0 0
veg004 1 1 1 1
veg005 1 1 0 1
veg006 1 0 0 0
dem001 1 1 0 1